Once a magic wand of architects and designers, computer aided design made inroads into dentistry a few years ago but the technology was nascent then. Today, technology has come closest to matching human precision. The computer designed dental crowns in Costa Rica employ cutting-edge German technology to deliver perfect-fit dental crowns within the same day.
For Americans and Canadians troubled with the high costs of dental work in their local systems, this is no less than manna from heaven, as they get to enjoy verdant and azure landscape with a mouth full of newly acquired teeth in day trip to Costa Rica.
5 Reasons to Get Computerized Dental Crowns in Costa Rica
- Earlier, getting dental crowns meant one had to wait a long time before the “temporaries” were taken off and permanent caps were affixed. Not anymore. CAD/CAM crowns in Costa Rica, will allow you to return home a lot sooner.
- The price of computer-designed teeth caps in Costa Rica is just the fraction of what you can end up paying in the US, Canada or any European country. The low cost of computerized teeth caps in Costa Rica doesn’t insinuate a compromise on quality. Suffice to say that the stakes on medical and dental tourism are high in the country and the competition is fierce. In 2010 alone, the country catered to about 36000 patients. Compromising quality means compromising your situation in a hyper-competitive dental market.
Crowns, veneers, and bridges constructed using CAD/CAM technology are better fitting, durable and aesthetically appealing. You can also get a good price for Zirconia crowns in Costa Rica, which are metal free, and even more like your natural teeth.
- The Costa Rican dental clinics under our network operate under stringent regulatory standards as imposed by American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF).
- The multilingual staff at dental centers in Costa Rica shall ensure your dental problems are understood and conveyed properly. This is important despite the computerized handling of your case.
Other Things to Do in Costa Rica
This is the fun part. Once you’ve acquired computerized dental crowns in Costa Rica you should put your summer dress on and let your hair down to:
- Taste the freshly brewed Coffee direct from the source. Growing coffee was the main economic activity of the country before the tourism boom happened. Wake up and smell the coffee one fine Costa Rican morning on a coffee farm.
- Witness a volcano. Along with coffee, volcanoes are perpetually brewing in Arenal in Costa Rica. It is not uncommon to find hot springs in Costa Rica. They make up for nice natural spas.
- Watch the birds. If bird watching is your game, step it up in Costa Rica. Costa Rica is an Ornithologist’s paradise with its tropical jungles abuzz with all avian hues and chatter. If you prefer the birds of the human kind, here’s a piece of advice: never miss a chance to flaunt your new fangled dentures on successful sightings. Rest assured there’d be aplenty of them.
- Take a hike (literally!). Hiking is a favorite national pastime. A word of caution: in Costa Rica you’re in the heart of jaguar country, always take a local veteran along.
- Visit a Beach. Costa Rica abounds in pristine beaches. The beach line has plenty of fine restaurants and bars. Don’t forget to try the seafood.
To sum it up, while you’re at it, getting computer designed dental crowns in Costa Rica should not be just about acquiring a winning smile, it should also be about watching the spectacle—that Costa Rica is—unfold before your eyes.
For more information on Computer Designed Dental Crowns in Costa Rica, fill-out the estimate-request form on the right.